Borrowing and plagiarism

The editorial board of "Vestnik KazUEFIT", when reviewing the manuscript for compliance with formal requirements (manuscript design), also checks for the presence of borrowed text in the manuscript in accordance with the Regulations on anti-plagiarism and the licensed system of checking for plagiarism, including international databases (agreement No. 160 on the provision of services).

Only original manuscripts and / or those manuscripts in which, according to the results of checking for plagiarism, the originality is more than 75%, are sent for further review. If the manuscript does not meet the design requirements of the journal and is not an original work based on the results of the plagiarism check, the manuscript is returned to the author for correspondence for making the appropriate changes and re-sending the manuscript for review by the editorial board through the electronic platform of the journal.

If the authors used the works, articles, statements, or quotations and statements of other researchers when writing the manuscript, they must necessarily refer to the works of these scientists and correctly formalize the cited text. Plagiarism is considered an unethical act that violates the Rules on academic integrity of students and is unacceptable in the journal  "Vestnik KazUEFIT ".

Persons involved in the publishing process, especially members of the editorial board of the journal " Vestnik KazUEFIT ", to ensure the high quality of scientific publications, to avoid unfair practices in publishing activities, such as the use of false information, falsification of data, etc., to ensure the recognition of scientific achievements by the society, undertake to comply with the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics adopted by the international community and in KazUEFIT, as well as to take measures to prevent such violations.

The members of the editorial board of the journal "Vestnik KazUEFIT" undertake not to allow the authors, members of the editorial board, reviewers to violate the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics adopted by the international community and in KazUEFIT.

In the event of violations of the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics adopted by the international community and in KazUEFIT, the editorial board of the journal undertakes to act in accordance with the journal's publication ethics, the Rules on Academic Integrity of Students, the KazUEFIT Student and Teacher Honor Code and the standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics(СОРЕ).

If a provable fact (s) of violation of the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics has been found in an article published in the journal "Vestnik KazUEFIT ", the editorial board undertakes to remove this article from the issue in which it was published and from the official website of the journal (to retract the article) with the mandatory indication of specific violations by the author (s) of the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics and place an appropriate announcement in the next issue of the journal.

The author(s) of the article, in which a provable fact of violation of the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics was found, are not allowed to submit articles to the journal "Vestnik KazUEFIT" for the next 3 calendar years from the date of detection of the fact (s) of violation of the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics.



