Publication ethics

  1. The editorial board of the journal "Vestnik KazUEFMT" adheres to ethical principles at all stages of work with publications.
  2. The editorial board adheres to the Code of Ethics of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
  3. All parties involved in the publication process (authors, editors and reviewers) must follow the principles of ethical conduct.
    1. Ethical principles for authors:
    2. Authors must provide an objective justification for the scientific value of their research work. The publication of review articles is allowed if there are original conclusions and / or recommendations.
    3. The authors guarantee that the articles submitted to the editors are original, and that if other works are used in the article, this is duly indicated. Plagiarism is unacceptable in any of its forms: verbatim copying without reference to the source, paraphrasing without reference to the source, as well as self-plagiarism (if the elements of the article have been previously published, the authors are obliged to refer to this). Knowingly false and inaccurate information is unacceptable.
    4. The authors guarantee that the articles submitted to the editors are not pending in other publications. Submitting an article simultaneously to multiple editions constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable.
    5. The author submitting the article must ensure the consent of all co-authors (if any) with its final version and with its submission for publication in the journal.
    6. The source of research funding, if any, must be declared and indicated, and its role in research and / or article preparation must be stated.
  4. Unethical behavior is the following actions of authors:
  1. related to self-submission of reviews of their own articles;
  2. contractual and pseudo-licensing;
  3. resorting to agency services for the publication of the results of scientific research;
  4. falsification of the composition of the authors;
  5. publication of pseudoscientific texts;
  6. transfer of the texts of articles to other journals without the consent of the authors;
  7. transfer of authors' materials to third parties;
  8. violation of copyright and the principle of confidentiality of editorial processes;
  9. manipulation of quotation, plagiarism, falsification and fabrication.


Ethical principles for reviewers:

  • a) Reviewers should agree to review only those articles for which they have sufficient knowledge to evaluate and which they can review in a timely manner.
  • b) The reviewer must refuse to prepare the review if he participated in any work related to the preparation of the article, or in the studies described in it.
  • c) The reviewer must respect the confidentiality of the review and not disclose any details of the article or review during or after reviewing to anyone except for those persons who are authorized by the editorial board (for example, the editor).
  • d) The reviewer does not have the right to use the information obtained during the review for his own benefit, for the benefit or to discredit other persons or organizations.
  • e) The reviewer should declare to the editor about a possible conflict of interest related to the review of the article, or seek advice from the editor if he is not sure whether the current situation constitutes a conflict of interest.
  • f) Evaluation should be carried out objectively, conclusions should be clearly articulated and reasoned so that authors can use them to improve the work.

Ethical principles for editors:


  • a) Editors are responsible for the content of published materials;
  • b) When deciding on publication, the editors of a scientific journal are guided by the reliability and accuracy of the presentation of data and the scientific significance of the work in question;
  • c) The decision to publish is made regardless of commercial considerations;
  • d) Editors evaluate the intellectual content of manuscripts regardless of race, gender, religion, origin, citizenship, social status or political preferences of the authors;
  • e) Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts should not be used for personal purposes or transferred to third parties.
  • f) Information or ideas obtained during editing and associated with possible benefits must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.
  • g) Editors should not allow information to be published if there is sufficient reason to believe that it is plagiarism.
  • h) Editors, together with the Publisher, should not leave unanswered claims regarding the reviewed manuscripts or published materials, as well as when a conflict situation is identified, and take all necessary measures to restore violated rights.
  • i) The Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) and members of the editorial board ensure that authors with unmet claims can resubmit materials for publication.


